Front Squat: 5-5-3-3-1-1

4 rounds for total reps of 3 minutes work/1 minute rest:
20 Pull-ups
Max Box Jumps 24/18

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great job today everybody. Front squat looked great. Remember, just because there is a 1 on the board doesn’t mean you guys have to max out, in fact often times, it’s better not to. Great work on the met-con, a lot of you dropped down a band and did great. Many of you were killing the box jumps, I think Nate ended up with just shy of 300 for the workout, WOW! Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers.

Christian airing out off the box
A big class at noon, and a couple of new toys
Heather down to just the purple band
This is what we all really do CrossFit for, being able to crawl into your office through the ceiling because the door is locked
– Jade