– Split Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1

– 10 minute AMRAP
3 KB Turkish Get-ups (per side) 53/35
10 Burpees

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Hope everyone had a great weekend, good to see so many of you in the gym today…I think 30 people swung by today. We had 5 new On-rampers start tonight who did an awesome job, and it was great to see so many of you go after those split jerks and really put some weight overhead. We got another new movement today in the Turkish Get-up which I think many found deceivingly hard. Great to see everyone pushing themselves. Extra photos on the facebook page…see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Laura with a split jerk
Trevor putting up the big numbers today…255lb
Justin with a split jerk
Nadir getting angry with the bar and PRing with 135lb
Rocking out some Turkish Get-ups
Jim coming down from the top
– Jade