– Weighted Ring Push-up: 8-8-6-6-4

– 4 rounds AQAP:
50 Double-unders
50 Plate Overhead Walking Lunges 25/15

Accessory Work: 3 sets of deadhang pull-ups, max of 15 reps. If you can do more than 15 add weight accordingly

Post results/thoughts to comments

We had a great start to the week in the gym. Folks were here throughout the day, and despite a large part of our On-ramp group being in Italy we still had a great turnout. Colleen brought her co-worker Stephanie in who did a great job…hope to see you back Stephanie. As usual everyone pushed hard through the workouts, and Nadir came in today pumped and ready to go and started knocking out his first kipping pull-ups in the warm-up and linked together 10 plus double-unders multiple times. See everyone tomorrow. Cheers.

Kristi Split Jerking 103lbs…first time doing a split Jerk
Nadir rocking the overhead walking lunges
– Jade