“Running Granny”- AQAP:
800m Run
5 Clean and Jerks 135/95
50 Double-unders
50 Abmat Sit-ups
5 Clean and Jerks 135/95
40 Double-unders
40 Abmat Sit-ups
5 Clean and Jerks 135.95
30 Double-unders
30 Abmat Sit-ups
5 Clean and Jerks 135/95
20 Double-unders
20 Abmat Sit-ups
5 Clean and Jerks 135/95
10 Double-unders
10 Abmat Sit-ups
5 Clean and Jerks 135/95
800m Run

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Grace meets Annie…sandwiched with some running today. Thank Erik for this little gem!! A great long WOD this morning and you all rose to the challenge. Great to see Caroline in for her first class off of On-ramp, and to see Kelly back after the Games. Lots of you hung tough with the double-unders. Get those down guys and the tuck jumps are history. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and let’s all come back strong on Monday. Cheers.

Terri getting the bar overhead
Erik and Kelly working through the WOD
Sefton getting up on the tuck jumps
– Betsy