1) For total reps and meters:
8 rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off
Yoke Carry 365/270
Rest 1 minute

8 rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off
Rest 1 minute

8 rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off
Jump Over Box 24/20
Rest 1 minute

8 rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off
Wall Balls 20/14
Rest 1 minute

8 rounds of 20 seconds on – 10 seconds off
Ball Slams 40/30
Rest 1 minute

For the Yoke, we will review this in the morning. The minimum weight that can be used on the Yoke is 185lbs, that’s what it weighs. If this is too heavy for some of you, you will sub out heavy Farmer’s Walks.


2) 10 minutes Every-minute-on-the-minute – Work Your Weakness:

For this you guys should be picking something you really struggle with. If you’re serious about competing you should have a list of movements that hold you back, this is the stuff you should be working on. This can be done before or after the Met-con. If you are planning on doing it before the Met-con that is fine, we will be here at 7:30 AM, if after you’ll need to do it outside, but please be ready to start the Met-con with class. We will have our normal 8:00 AM and 9:15 AM class that everyone will be doing.

For scoring, mark the distance you moved the Yoke, we will be using the 50m stretch in the back parking lot, and total reps for every other movement. Post them all individually. For competitors post what you did for Work Your Weakness.

Post results/thoughts to comments

A few basic quick tips for the Yoke…if you guys have a Journal subscription you can watch the whole thing
– Jade