5 rounds AQAP:
5 Jerks 135/95
10 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Deadlifts 135/95
40 Air Squats

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As always awesome work everybody. Barbell work continues to improve whether it be the more basic movements like the deadlift or the complicated ones like the clean and jerk. A quick note, pay attention to your air squats in workouts. I can only “bark” the same cues so many times. While air squats are a basic movement they seem to be shorted a lot, remember depth should be crease of the hip below the knee, not to the knee, and you need to stand all the way up, open that hip up all the way and stand tall. Have a great weekend everybody. Cheers.

Terri, Jennifer, and Richard working hard
Barbells a flyin
Cindy and Kim just finished, pushed hard and straight to the board with their numbers
– Jade