Teams of 2 Complete for Max Reps: (1 Barbell per team, one person works at a time except for the barbell roll outs)
1 minute Thrusters 75/53
2 minutes Push Press 75/53
3 minutes Power Cleans 75/53
4 minutes Roll Outs 75/53
5 minutes Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 75/53
6 minutes Front Squats 75/53
5 minutes Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 75/53
4 minutes Roll Outs 75/53
3 minutes Power Cleans 75/53
2 minutes Push Press 75/53
1 minute Thrusters 75/53

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Great work today everybody, while the gym was a little light on attendees you all pushed through a very tough workout. Way to work hard and push each other through the workout. Thanks to Suzy and Mike who came in for the free intro class, they did a great job, we hope to see you back. Have a great weekend and enjoy the super bowl guys, try and keep it paleo. Cheers.

The 8 AM working the roll outs
Del working on some front squats
Chris and Trevor on the back half
– Jade