1000m Row – AQAP
Rest 5 minutes

4 minute AMRAP:
10 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
Rest 5 minutes

100 Box Jumps 24/18 – AQAP
Rest 5 minutes

Tabatta Bottom-to-bottom Walking Lunges (hold the bottom of the lunge position during the 10 second “rest” period)

Score is WOD # 1 (seconds) – WOD # 2 (reps) + WOD # 3 (seconds) – WOD # 4 (reps)

Post results/thoughts to comments

Had a lot of fun working with everybody today. While we had a small class at the 8 AM we had a good sized 9:15 AM. Tried to mix it up a bit today, you guys still got a longer workout, but it was broken up into some high effort intervals. Great job guys, have an awesome weekend, see you Monday. Cheers.

Mike, Colleen, and Julia in for the 8 AM
Partners cheering each other on through the row
– Jade