Teams of 2 complete AQAP:
Row 2k (can be done in any format, a single 2k row, trade off 500’s, etc. may only use 1 rower per team)
5 rounds
17 Partner Push-ups
23 Partner Deadlifts 315/225
47 Air Squats (47 air squats total need to be completed, while one member air squats the other must hold 2 53lb kettlebells in the rack position, if the kettlebells drop from the rack the person performing air squats must stop, you may trade off however you like)

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today everybody, you all pushed hard through a tough workout. I’m going to try and start doing team workouts a little more often as I think everybody is enjoying them. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday. Cheers.

Tanya and Colleen deadlifting with Rick and Jess in the background busting through the air squats
Working through the WOD
Del and Erik working through the push-ups
– Jade