10 rounds AQAP:
200m Run
15 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Hand Release Push-ups

For results post time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

The teams second and final day of competition is now over. I can’t begin to explain how proud I am of everybody. They all did an absolutely amazing job. In addition I, and the team are all so thankful for our amazingly supportive community. Without you all we wouldn’t have made it to the Games. The team perform amazing today, and moved up almost 10 spots to finish out 18th overall for the weekend. And more importantly for the team members, remember guys, that’s 18th, out of some 2,000 teams that started in the Open. Cheers.

Del, now a legend at the Games, carrying the Yoke over 100 yards
Kelly working the Clean and Jerks
Dani nearing the top of the rope
Trevor ripping through some Clean and Jerks
Nate racing the clock for one last rope climb
Trevor cranking the Deads
Dani pulling
Nate working through the Overhead Squats
Laura fighting for some final reps
– Jade