Teams of 2 – AQAP:
400m Run with Slam Ball 40/30
100 Dumbbell Push Press 45/30
125 Box Jumps 24/18
150 Air Squats
125 Abmat Sit-ups
100 Walking Dumbbell Lunges 45/30
400m Run with Slam Ball 40/30

There is only 1 Slam Ball for the run. Partners must run together, you are allowed to trade the ball of as deemed fit, if it is dropped it is a 25 Burpee Penalty. The movements in between the runs only 1 person can work on at a time. You must finish one movement before moving on to the next.

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Awesome work today everybody. Nothing like a little bonding, with your buddy, class mate, wife, friend, etc. in a good hard team workout. Thanks for all of you that came to support Lisa’s Boot Cancer Fundraiser to help raise money for the American Cancer Society, we raised a couple hundred dollars. Get out and enjoy the sun, it’s going to be a nice weekend. If you’re looking to make something up come in from 11-1 tomorrow, the doors will be open. Cheers.

Out for the first run…Erik and Bryant in mid hand off
Dani and Chris powering through the push presses
Lisa and Paula working through the last few agonizing lunges
Richard gritting through the lunges
– Jade