
400m Run Backwards
400m Sled Drag 140/95
400m Med Ball Chest Throw 40/30
400m Squatting Broad Jump
400m Sprint


1) Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3

These should be 5 of the HEAVIEST sets possible. Don’t start with anything shy of your 3RM, and try and maintain each set as close to that as possible. Think BIG LEGS! Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

2) 21-15-9 – AQAP:
Squat Snatch 115/75
Box Jumps 30/34

Ideally these should be actual Squat Snatches, you shouldn’t be doing a Power Snatch and then squatting afterward. Box Jumps are “Games” standard, stand up on the top.

3) Run: 8x200m

These should be max effort runs so there should be a increase in time your first few runs and then you’ll likely taper off. Run as fast as you can. Rest 90 seconds between efforts.

4a) Turkish Get-up: 3-3-3

These should be alternating Get-ups that are as heavy as you can go. Not looking for you guys to move through these quickly, they should be slow. Rest 60 seconds.

4b) Kettlebell Stiff Leg Deadlift: 12-12-12

Kettlebell in each hand, knees should stay locked out, and keep that back tight. Feel the stretch on your hamstrings. Rest 60 seconds.

For results post time for Met-con. For competitors post each set of Push Press, time for Met-con, time for each run, and weights for TGU’s and SLDL’s.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Another one of Glassman’s older videos…Push Press