500m Row

5 rounds of
5 1 Arm KB Deadlift Left 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Deadlift Right 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Clean Left 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Clean Right 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Front Squat Left 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Front Squat Right 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Shoulder-to-overhead Left 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Shoulder-to-overhead Right 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Overhead Squat Left 53/35
5 1 Arm KB Overhead Squat Right 53/35

500m Row

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today everybody. It was great to see both a good sized class at 8:00 AM and a big class at 9:15 AM. We got some new movements in today, you may find you wake up with some sore obliques tomorrow. Great job as always everybody. Have a great weekend and see you Monday. Cheers.

CrossFit Open:

Many of you know that the CrossFit Open will be starting next week. This will be the first step in qualifying for the CrossFit games. Our gym has opted in to be part of this. If you are interested in competing we will be holding our workouts on Saturday after our normal daily classes at 11:30 AM. I strongly encourage all of you who are on the fence about this to jump in and do it. Competition is great for the mind, body and soul, and this will give an idea of what a real CrossFit competition is like, having folks push hard, judged reps, etc. If you aren’t competing I also encourage you to hang out if you’re interested and cheer on those of who are doing the workouts. It will be 1 workout a week for the next 6 weeks. It is $10 to register for the open. Check out the games site below to register, after registering, go back in and register under our gym name to help form a team for the team competition.

And they’re off on the row
Jennifer pushing the kettlebell overhead
And a loaded class at 9:15
– Jade