Teams of 3 AQAP:
400m Run
200m Sled Drag 135/95
50 Burpees
100 Box Jumps 24/18
150 Ball Slams 24/18
100/side Walking Lunges
50 Burpees
200m Sled Drag 135/95
400m Run

The run is done as a group on both ends. Aside from that, only 1 person may work at a time, and at all times someone needs to be holding a plate, 45/25, over their head. If the plate touches the ground it is a 25 burpee penalty for the team. If the plate comes down from overhead but doesn’t touch the ground it must be handed off to a partner and you must stop working until the plate is back overhead.

Post results/thoughts to comments

First I just want to say thank you to the amazing group of athletes that come to Champlain Valley CrossFit. We had an amazing opening day and it couldn’t have been done without you all. You all make this place what it is. A special thanks to “A House on Fire,” for playing music, and to Lisa from Inov-8 for coming up and demoing shoes for everybody. There are 15% off coupons for Inov-8s at Ski Rack if anybody wants. Thanks again for all being such awesome people and members of this community. See you all Monday. Cheers.

Champlain Valley Crossfit Grand Opening (CVCF) from Justin Jenny on Vimeo.

– Jade