5 rounds AQAP
800m Run
30 Kettlebell Swings 70/53
30 Pull-ups

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Not much to be said except for way to push through a brutal workout guys. For those who came in today you got a taste for what will likely be the longest workout you’ll ever see in the gym. 45 minutes plus of crushing pain, wait I thought you needed to go to the gym for like an hour and half to get a workout…you all know this is definitely not the case and you did an awesome job. While this workout was still a “shorter” time domain, you guys can begin to see where training in those shorter high intensity domains, i.e. 5-15 minutes, still allows you to train in the longer domains in an efficient manner. Awesome works guys and have a great weekend. See you Monday. Cheers.

Del rocking the kettlebell swings
Working through some pull-ups
Sasha stepping up and using the 35lb kettlebell for the entire workout
– Jade