– Strict Press: 5-5-5

– Max Box Jump (you have 20 seconds to complete the reps): 3-3-3

– 21-15-9 AQAP
Plate Overhead Walking Lunges (reps per side) 45/25
Kettlebell Swings 70/53

Post results/thoughts to comments

A few of our C2 rowing team came in early to log meters. Colleen got in BIG meters with 15k, Erik accumulated meters incorporating a tough interval row, and Ken logged enough meters to approach 83k for the challenge. The 9:15 class did a combination of walking lunges (with a range of weights overhead) and kettlebell swings. Wrapping up the morning, some of Jade’s family stopped in to say hello before heading to Shelburne Farms for Fall fun.

Tomorrow is the Boot Cancer fundraising Event in St. Albans. Many of our atheletes will participae and we wish them well in the competition! Good Luck All!

C2 Fall Challenge team members logging meters: Colleen, Erik and Ken

Dani and Melinda swing KBs in unison

Alex does walking lunges with plate OH for the wod

The rings come easy to these guys!
– Betsy