Teams of 2 – AQAP:
10 x 50m Sled Drags 95/65
5 rounds of
50 Thrusters 45/33
50 Double-unders
50 Kettlebell Swings 53/35

The sled drags must be alternating, so each member does 5 sled drags. Your partner must run, jog, walk with you while you drag the sled. The triplet is done with one person working at a time. You have one bar, one jump rope, and one kettlebell.

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For a holiday weekend it was awesome to see so many folks in the gym this morning, and it was awesome to see all the partner groups working hard together even if they were at different levels. Great job everybody. The team workouts are super fun, I’ll be working them into the mix a little more often. Hope you have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing lots of you in for the Monday 9 AM only class. Cheers.

Nancy and Jess leading the charge
Cindy and Lisa with a hand off
Erik working a 1 armed maneuver with the sled
Trevor swinging the kettlebell
– Jade