Woke up feeling better today, but still a bit off. Went out and did trail work for about 4 hours, came home took a mid-afternoon nap for an hour or so, and then did a group WOD at 5. Betsy came over to workout and my roommate Matt worked out as well. Nice to get a few people working together. Everyone did a great job.


Military Press: 120×5, 5, 5, 5, 5

3 rounds AQAP
50 Air Squats
40 Sit-ups
30 Push-ups
20 Inverted Rows
10 Burpees


Training was pretty solid for me. Military press was up 5lbs from last time, and I was able to get through all 5 sets at my goal weight. I think I could do a couple sets at 125 but definitely not all 5 of them. All reps were solid and strict, from chest to lockout. Met-con was good as well. Decided to do something with a good bit of squatting to see how my knees react. Push-ups were the real killer for me. Nothing new, first set I got through all 30 unbroken but after that it changed drastically. Squats were pretty good given my lack of squatting the last couple of months. Sit-ups, inverted rows, and burpess all felt strong.  Felt good with the workout as a whole. See how I feel tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade