Wow, what can I say, so proud of everyone today. We hit the Boot Cancer event in St. Albans, and as a team, crushed it. We had two hard WOD’s. One that took on a “Fight Gone Bad” format but with some slightly different movements, and another WOD incorporating tractor tire flips, sand bag carries, and running. Kristi cleaned house winning both events for both her age group and I believe all the women of the day. On the men the first event saw me tie for 1st and Trevor secured 3rd just one rep behind myself and Aaron whom I tied with. The second event saw Trevor secure a 2nd place, and Erik get a 3rd. We don’t have complete results yet but I believe in the overall on the mens we secured 2nd-5th. Again, awesome work everybody, I think everybody found themselves pushing a pace they had yet to experience in the gym…awesome, awesome, awesome. If you’re cooked and super sore tomorrow take the day off, if not I’ll see you in the gym. Cheers.

Kristi going up for a box jump in WOD #1
Getting ready to hit the first WOD
Rocking some box jumps…hitting that full extension on the way down
Kristi finishing up with the sandbags
Trevor with the evil eye concentration
Trevor and Ken getting their prizes from the raffle
– Jade