8 minute AMRAP:
10 Burpees
15 Push Press 95/65
20 Pull-ups

Rest exactly 5 minutes

5 minutes to establish a Touch-and-Go 5RM Deadlift:

Rest exactly 5 minutes

1 mile Run AQAP:

For results post rounds and reps for the AMRAP, Max load pulled for the 5RM Deadlift, and time for 1 mile run

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today everybody. We had to do some running today as it seems the pending weather is RAIN! Great work on the deadlift, we saw some big numbers, and you guys got an idea for what it’s like to pick up some heavy weight in a state of duress. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers.

Ryan just finished On-ramp and has been doing a great job in his first few classes
Miss Heather picking up some weight
Bart hitting a nice 365lbs for the deadlift
David working hard for those Deadlifts
Carol ran her first mile at 66 years old

Our evening On-ramp group finishing up their last class, say hi when you see them!
– Jade