Glutes are still feeling super sore this morning along with my hamstrings. Was feeling really beat today, for whatever reason I don’t know, but I got myself going and got in a solid workout. I’ve eaten clean thus far today, should be able to keep it the rest of the day. Got our first investment today which is great, the check is written and signed. Depositing it tomorrow with our attorney. Things are really starting to roll now. I think I’m going to give the main-site WOD a go tomorrow. Going to do it prescribed so it’ll be slow, but should be a solid one.
40 Yard Sled Pull Backwards: 165lb, 165lb, 210lb, 210lb
40 Yard Sled Pull Forwards: 165lb, 165lb, 210lb, 210lb
3 Intervals for reps: 4 minutes of work time followed by 2 minutes rest
1 Interval is the following:
500m Row
10 DB Swings 60lb
Ring Dips As Many Reps As Possible In Remaining Time
Interval 1: 18 Ring Dips
Interval 2: 14 Ring Dips
Interval 3: 13 Ring Dips
Workout felt pretty good despite feeling tired throughout the day. Sled pulls were good and moving up the weight to 210lbs really worked the quads hard on the backwards walks. Met-con was good. I’ve seen this format used in a couple of WODs before. The idea is to do the specified work and then the last exercise, in this case ring dips do as many reps as possible in the remaining time. Damn my ring dips are weak, after the first round they were all done as singles. Weak, but gotta start somewhere. Rowing was good, the 500’s were between 1:40 and 1:45, and all the swings were unbroken. While the rings dips were good, I think a different exercise would have been better, something I could have kept the intensity up with a little bit. All in all solid workout. Cheers.
– Jade