Deadlift: 5-5-5-5-5 @ 70-80% of 1RM

10 minute AMRAP:
8 Hang Dumbbell Power Snatch Left 50/35
8 Hang Dumbbell Power Snatch Right 50/35
12 Games Push-ups

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Nice work on your pulls today guys. A lot of solid lifts and nice numbers being put up. Haven’t done the dumbbell snatches in quite some time, but a great movement, and a great couplet when paired with the push-ups. For those that were pulling early I imagine you were really feeling that on the push-ups, if you were, keep working to utilize those hips first. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers.

Pete coming off the floor
Kim one of our newest members doing an awesome job on her dumbbell snatches and hopping right into class and attacking things
– Jade