Teams of 3 – AQAP:
150 Thrusters 95/65
150 Box Jumps 24/18
150 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/65
150 Burpees

1 person works at a time. You have 1 bar and 1 box. You must maintain the order. Each member can do as much or as little work as they like.

Post results/thoughts to comments

A lot of folks have asked about team workouts so I’m going to try and incorporate them a little more often. They are tons of fun and I think everybody had a blast today. You all did awesome. For the future one of the keys to being efficient at a team workout, is quick reps, and quick transition times. Once you start to slow on a movement you should stop and rotate to the next person. Small shorts bursts are most efficient. Keep up the great work everybody. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow for something a little different. Cheers.

Zach gritting through some thrusters
Medballs flying around with a little group warm-up…we are going to be making an effort at CVCF to make the warm-ups a little more group oriented, and a little more of a warm-up, so make sure you’re ready to go at the start of class
David has made some incredible gains in the last 10 months or so… 2 knee replacements about 18 months ago, and he’s now jumping on boxes, skipping rope, and hammering out burpees, great work David
– Jade