Work You Weakness Strength: 5-5-3

“Karabel” – 10 rounds AQAP:
3 Snatch (any type) 135/95
15 Wall Balls 20/14

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Nice to see a busier Thursday than normal today, I guess that may have been because we shut down yesterday, but none the less it was great to see a bunch of faces in the gym. Those who weren’t in yesterday made up the overhead squats with the work your weakness, you are all continuing to get better at these, it’s a tough movement that will make you strong throughout your body. For those who didn’t notice, “Karabel”, is two of the girl WOD’s put together, “Karen” which is 150 wall balls, and “Isabelle” which is 30 snatches, great job rocking out a tough workout guys.

A big noon class on their first round of Wall Balls
Chuck showing the bar who’s boss
Del making big improvements on his snatch in just one class
Brian Curley from CrossFit New England stopped in…also the 2010 Games Master’s Champion
Rhet putting some heat on the ball
– Jade