L-sit: Accumulate 3 minutes

Wall Overhead Squats: 10-10-10-10-10 (work no heavier than the bar, standing facing the wall and as close to the wall as possible)

“Fran” 21-15-19 AQAP:
Thrusters 95/65

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today everybody, it’s amazing to see how far so many of you have come with your overhead squats and for those of you who have been with us since September you got to see the huge gains you’ve made in the last 4 months with the benchmark workout “Fran.” We went from having only 3 men and 0 women doing it Rx’d to a host of people doing it Rx’d and throwing down some pretty impressive times, along with a number of other people stepping it up using more weight and smaller bands. Great work everybody. Cheers.

Erik in for a little birthday treat which just so happened to be Fran…he happened to PR by a few minutes
Chris and Justin working on their L-sits
That’s a full pull-up rig
Emily and Del working through Fran
The rugby guys working hard through a full 40 minute half
– Jade