Deadlift: 5-5-3

“Mary or Cindy” – 20 minute AMRAP
5 Hanstand Push-ups
10 Pistol Squats
15 Pull-ups
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

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Amazing work today everybody. You guys are all kicking ass and taking names. PRs all over the place today on both the deadlift and Cindy. It was great to see some of you go after Mary as well, even if it was in a slightly scaled form. See you for a nice lung burner tomorrow. Cheers.

Julia stepping it up to full plank push-ups on Cindy this time around
Phil with a nice Pistol Squat
Catherine and Alison busting out air squats
Dani with a deep handstand push-up
The rugby guys working partner barbell roll outs
– Jade