Jump Rope Practice: 10 minutes

5 rounds of – 3 minute AMRAP – 1 minute rest:
5 Burpees
7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
12 Double-unders

Post results/thoughts to comments

At least one person got their first double-under today, some nailed single-unders for the first time, and I saw a number of you hit record number of double-unders and single-unders. Practice makes perfect, keep it up and the rope will become your friend. Great job on the workout today, it should have been all lungs, rotating quickly from one movement to the next with little to no muscular failure. And for some of you, don’t be afraid to not lift heavy some days. We lifted heavy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, so don’t feel like just because there wasn’t a barbell that you’re not getting enough out of your workout. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow for a fun WOD. Cheers.

Monica getting that chin up over the bar

It’s great to have Tim back after a long recovery period from an accident…showing how tuck jumps should be done!

Phillip showing to the full extent a chest-to-bar pull-up

– Jade