Thruster: 5-5-5-5-5 (must be cleaned from the floor to start)

12 minute AM-REP-AP:
Row 1000m
75 Hang Power Snatches 65/45
Air Squats

In 12 minutes you must complete the row, the snatches, and then perform as many air squats as possible in the remaining time. Score is total air squats.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Have to say I was super impressed with everybody today, you all moved around some pretty serious weight on those heavy thrusters. You all clearly felt the burn on the met-con…one thing to remember with the more complicated movements, a la the snatch. Most of you understand the movement and know what to do with the PVC and with your weight come the beginning of the workout, but then that often disappears as the workout goes on. This isn’t because you don’t know how to do the movement or even because you are too fatigued, many of you just start to over think the movement. So if you find yourself lost on a movement at any point just try and relax, remember the basics and the movement should come out pretty smoothly. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Krisiti working her way through the 1000m
Gillian getting the weight overhead
Kim, Phillip, and Ryan working hard in the met-con
Stretching out
The rugby crew going through “Fight Gone Bad”
– Jade