Split Jerks: 2 Split Jerks @ 80% of 1RM Every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes

For this you must be split jerking. For a proficient lifter they will move the most with a Split Jerk anyway, but if for whatever reason your max Shoulder-to-overhead is not a Split Jerk, you should still be using the ladder. So the 80% should be of your max Shoulder-to-overhead. These must be consecutive reps, and should be done out of a rack.

Partner Rows – 4 x 500m:

In this you trade on and off with your partner until EACH one of you completes FOUR 500m Rows. These should be max effort, don’t game these, even if the end result is faster.

For results post weight used for Split Jerks, and total running clock time for the rowing, not just the clock time on the rowers computer.

Post results/thoughts to comments

We built some volume on the heavy overhead today guys nice work, and like we talked about in all of the classes, really focus on your foot work and speed, that’s the key to this movement, not pushing the weight overhead, but pushing yourself under the bar. Rowing, so deceiving, but so, so devestating. For those that hit the workout for what it was they found themselves in a world of hurt afterward. Way to push yourselves to that pain threshold and stay there. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Cindy demonstrating a nice dip position, vertical torso, knees forward, almost looks like she is leaning back…and Ryan with a nice finish position on his lift
Off they go
– Jade