Push Press: 5-5-5-5-5

“Mt. Zion Church”- 2 rounds AQAP:
500m Row
250 Double-unders

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Wow, not sure if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow after all of those double-unders, my calfs are toast. Great work on the Push Press guys, we saw some big numbers. Big props to Del for breaking the 300lb barrier, with a 305lb Push Press. For those who came in the evening we changed the workout slightly which I think was awesome. Instead of just being single-unders (if you couldn’t do double-unders), we changed the 250 single-unders to 5 sets of 40 single-unders and 10 tuck jumps. Definitely helped keep the heart rate up like the double-unders. Great work today guys. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Kristi and Betsy ripping through some jump rope
Kathy continuing to get stronger, putting up more weight on the push press
Del and Jeff hitting some tuck jumps
– Jade