Wicked sore this morning. What was sore yesterday is worse today. No “CrossFit” training today, but I got out for a solid mountain bike ride. I consider it the first one of the season as my actual first one was 2 months ago. Didn’t ride terribly long about 1.5 hours, but long enough given how sore I was feeling. I definitely felt a little out of biking shape. My cardio was good, but I think the combination of not riding in 2 months and being sore made me feel like I was going slow. On the other hand I did lead the entire ride, pretty much always ahead of people, so I can’t be to out of it. Try to get a couple more rides in over the next week and I think I will feel pretty solid. Hopefully the ridiculous pain that is in my shoulders will be gone tomorrow morning. Rest day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade