Back Squat:
5 reps @ 30% of 1RM
5 reps @ 45% of 1RM
5 reps @ 60% of 1RM
20 reps @ 70% of 1RM

While this is very phsyical, it is probably more of a mental test than anything. Be mentally strong and know you are going to get through the squats. You should go until you hit 20 reps or until you fail.

100 Burpees

For results post weight used for 20 Rep Back Squat, and time for 100 Burpees

Post results/thoughts to comments

Mental fortitude was the name of the game today. Great work tearing up the Burpees and pushing through the Back Squats. It was so awesome to see you all work through the mental fight that both these things were. Gotta show you guys that I do actually train haha, so an old video of me doing 100 Burpees below. Sorry no photos today. Cheers.

Check it out here!

– Jade