Jump Rope Practice: 10 minutes

12 minute AMRAP:
6 Burpees
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Kettlebell Snatch (6 per side) 53/35

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I was pumped to see so many people improve on their Kettlebell Snatch today. This is a tricky little movement and whether it was your first or fifth time you guys all improved on it. In addition a few people hit new double-under records as well. Way to always keep improving guys. Hope to see a bunch of you tomorrow. Cheers.

*****Memorial Day Hours******

We will only be open for 1 class on Memorial Day. There will be a 9:30 AM class. We hope to see you for a tough WOD to remember our fallen soldiers. If we don’t see you get outside and do something. It is supposed to be gorgeous.

Bruce in the house with a big ole kip
Megan and Charles working through the snatches
Dani working through the toes-to-bar
– Jade