– Tuck Jumps: 10-10-10

– L-Sit: Accumulate 3 minutes in this position

– 3 rounds AQAP:
15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
15 Burpees

Post results/thoughts to comments

Killer met-con today, or at least I thought so. You guys all killed it in the workout today and really pushed the workout to its fullest extent of being short and very high intensity, awesome job. It was great to see some of you getting stronger in the L-sit position, not to long ago it was just knees up, or barely holding the knees up, you’re all getting better, stronger, faster, more powerful. Chris and a couple others came in this afternoon to celebrate veterans day and do a couple of team WOD’s, we experimented with a couple new tools that you may see pop up in the near future. See you all tomorrow. Cheers.

The early morning crew hitting their WOD…Kristi subbing a 1k row for today and killing it
Alex getting out and grabbing the last plate of the stack
And they start the pain
Rugby crew…wall balls up
Thanks to Greg from C2 for dropping off a Ski Erg for us to test out for a week, a painful machine…Scott subbed it in for Fight Gone Bad and it certainly did its job
3:37…killed me…you guys can see a couple reps that I’m shorting my elbows coming all the way around, make sure in any clean that those elbows are coming at least under the bar
Greg also got us a shout out on the Channel 3 News…thanks Greg
– Jade