– Work Your Weakness: 20 minutes

– Rower Intervals: Record Fastest 500m. Should be max efforts, each proceeding 500m should get slower
4x500m – 3 minutes rest between intervals

Post results/thoughts to comments

Wow, we saw some fast times on the rowers today. It was great to break in the two new rowers, or was it the rowers breaking everyone in. I think everyone really got acquainted with the rower and what it can actually do to you. You guys all killed it. Benchmark numbers here today which we will hit up again in the future. Hope to see lots of you for a benchmark workout tomorrow. Cheers.

Sabrina getting that full hip extension on her power clean
Alex working a barbell Turkish Get-up
The rower has the innate ability to destroy people
Phil left behind a sweat angel
Top 3 times for the day…way to kill it guys
Since I’m always working out by myself I used the camera to help motivate me today. One thing you guys might notice, and something I mentioned to a few of you…when you are doing sprints on the rower you want to get the fan up to speed as quick as possible. You can see when I start my first three pulls are quick and progressively bigger. I start with about a 1/3 of a pull, then 2/3, and finally a full pull. Try it out next time as it will help you get going a little bit quicker.
– Jade