– Banded Deadlift: 5×3, 50% of 1RM, Blue Band, 45 seconds rest between sets

– Banded Box Squat: 5×3, 40% of 1RM, Green Band, 45 seconds rest between sets

– “Annie” AQAP
Abmat Sit-ups

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We had a solid day of training today, and as promised everyone’s hands and back got a break from the pull-up bar. We hit another benchmark WOD today, and for those who could do double-unders the WOD was done as prescribed. Unfortunately in the morning we didn’t have the equipment to set up the bands, but by the afternoon we got people using the bands, and most were extremely enthusiastic about them…you’ll be seeing them relatively often. It was nice to see some of the On-Rampers come in during the evening classes as well. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers.

The ladies in the morning doing some back squats
Donnie working the back squat
The band setup getting some work
– Jade