– Green Band Back Squat – 40% of 1RM: 5×3

– Blue Band Deadlift – 50% of 1RM: 5×3

– 4 rounds AQAP
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Box Jumps 36/30
16 Knees-to-Elbows
32 Walking Lunges

Post results/thoughts to comments

Everybody, thanks so much for all the awesome work, we’ve had a great first month. Aaron and Sophie both came in today and signed up, that’s two more new people, say hi. People are making great gains, faster, stronger, more work capacity, and more powerful…I’m so excited to see all the great progress. Hope you guys enjoyed working with the bands today, it was new for some of you and while some were experienced with it. Hope to see you all in for a good workout tomorrow, we’ll be hitting a movement that has yet to be seen in the gym yet. Cheers.

September Accomplishments: These are all off the top of my head, e-mail or post and I’ll add them if you’ve got something.

– We Opened on the 1st
– We hit 40 members
– Krist L. – Split Jerk 103lb, Handstand Push-up
– Trevor J. – First Muscle-up, Squat Clean 225×3
– Chris S. – Sub 30 minute Murph
– Jade J. – Split Jerk 215lb, Squat Snatch 145lb, 47″ Box Jump
– Nadir S. – Kipping Pull-ups, Double-unders
– Erik C. – Kipping Pull-ups
– Jess O. – Handstand Push-up
– Ken P. – Kipping Pull-ups, 47″ Box Jump
– Justin J. – 39.5″ Plate Jump Over
– Louis E. – 47″ Box Jump
– Rob K. – Ring Handstand Push-up

There is obviously tons I’ve missed, but that’s what I’ve got for right now.

Jess and Kristi rocking some Handstand Push-ups
A little mobility work before class
Jon working his way through the walking lunges
When it rains it pours
Rob chasing down Louis
Sasha pushing through some ring push-ups
– Jade