7 sets of:
1 Snatch Balance
2 Overhead Squats

The goal is to build up to 100% of your Squat Snatch weight. If you have mobility issues with the overhead squat, forgo the Snatch Balance and just work on the Overhead squat in a 7×3 manner. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

10 minute AMRAP:
2 Burpee Toes-to-bar
4 Burpee Toes-to-bar
6 Burpee Toes-to-bar
8 Burpees Toes-to-bar
and so on until 10 minutes is up

For results post max load achieved for strength work, and total reps for the met-con

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today everybody. Snatch Balance is a tricky movement, one that requires mobility, coordination, technique, and very much balance. If you’ve got the mobility for it, it will help a ton with your comfort level on the squat snatch. A new movement today for everybody, not sure we have ever actually pieced these two together, but great work on the met-con. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers.

Tanya working on some assisted HSPU’s
I got to work on some snatch balances today to
– Jade