“Helton”- 3 rounds AQAP:
800m Run
30 Dumbbell Squat Cleans 50/35
30 Burpees

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Amazing job today everybody, I was so impressed with everybody’s strength and fortitude. You all did an awesome job working through at least what I felt was one of the harder workouts we’ve done in a while. It was awesome to work out with the 4:30 class, thanks for having me. Keep up the great work, all of you are doing an amazing job every day and showing why you’re all such great human beings. Cheers.

Dani utilizing maximum power by getting those hips open
Matt and Monica working hard…probably not a better relationship builder than pouring it out together during a good hard WOD
Courtney out on one of her laps
Gregg ticking off the squat cleans
Bob did an absolutely amazing job, pushing hard to the end and completing the workout in it’s entirety
– Jade