Push Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5

“Death by Clean and Jerk”
Clean and Jerk 135/95

Perform 1 C + J on the 1st minute, 2 on the 2nd minute, 3 on the 3rd minute, and so on until you can’t complete the allotted reps in the minute. Your score is your completed minutes/rounds plus the number of reps you get in your last round.

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Great work today everybody. Awesome to see so many folks in after a few days away. Many looked at the board and scoffed a little at the workout. Soon did you all find out out quickly the workout would get hard and how destructive it really was. Great job you all poured it on when it was most needed. Hope to see you tomorrow. Some more photos from the Garage Games Finals below. Cheers.

Del and the smallest and youngest judge at the event
Ryan working some overhead squats
Kathy getting that chin up over the bar
– Jade