Weighted Chin-up: 5-5-5-5-5-5-5

10 minute AMRAP:
10 Thrusters 95/65
40 Double-unders

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Can’t believe another month has gone by. It’s February guys, another On-ramp group just finished, and we’ve got 10 more new folks already signed up for this month, you’ll also see the addition of the Bliss Racing Junior Development team, there are about 8 kids that will be doing a private On-ramp and then they will be launching into our daily classes. Big congrats to Julia and Kathy, before setting up a band for the chin-ups today they each tried with nothing, Julia got 2 chin-ups, and Kathy got 1 pull-up, firsts for both of them. Congratulations guys. Great work today everybody. See you tomorrow, we may be canceling classes due to the incoming snow storm.

Early morning thrusters
Emily throwing the bar up
Bob working his way up to the bar
Del working the weighted chins
– Jade