50 Unbroken Double-unders (3 minute time cap)
then 7 rounds of…
10 Deadlifts 225/155
10 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops
10 Pull-ups
50 Unbroken Double-unders (3 minute time cap)

Post results/thoughts to comments

PR’s for a bunch of people on there single and double-unders today. Great job everybody. Way to tear it up. That was a tough workout, and to make it even more difficult bringing in the unbroken jump rope really made people hone in and focus on what they were doing. Looks like it’s going to be quite warm tomorrow, come prepared to be outside. Cheers.

Cindy doing an awesome job, using 95lbs for the Deadlift and doing all 7 rounds…if you look to our testimonials it was only a year ago that Cindy couldn’t do a Burpee and could barely Deadlift because of back pain…70 Deadlifts today at 95lbs and 70 Burpees, great job Cindy…and she signed up for the Open.
Liz did her first workout without a band tonight, and did all 70 pull-ups
Corey working through some swings during the kettlebell class
– Jade