“Fight Gone Bad” – 3 rounds – 1 minute each station – 1 minute rest after all 5 stations
Wall Ball 20/14
Sumo Deadlift High-pull 75/53
Box Jump 20/16
Push Press 75/53
Row for Calories

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Wow, what a workout everybody, those who weren’t here truly missed out on a burner. You guys all did an awesome job and we saw some great scores come out of today’s workout. You are all continuing to get stronger, fitter, faster, leaner, etc. keep it up. 8 more days of the Paleo Challenge, keep with it, and then keep with it some more, make it a lifestyle. Great work everybody. Cheers.

Kim, Nancy, and Phil working through FGB
Bruce is one of our newest clients and he has been hitting it hard, coming 5 days a week, and choosing to work on technique over weight, follow his lead, that’s how you’ll succeed at CVCF great work Bruce
Ryan racking up calories on the rower
Emily done…tallying up her score

– Jade