Muscle-up Practice: 15 minutes (work on any facet of muscle-ups)

21-15-9 AQAP:
Thrusters 95/65
Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/65

Post results/thoughts to comments

No first muscle-ups today, some of you are getting closer, and it was great to see how much progress many of you are making on your pull-up strength and ring dip strength. The met-con while maybe not looking to awful was a real burner as many of you found out. Way to push it hard and keep it short, the way it was meant to be done. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers.

Matt making big progress…4 weeks ago barely getting to 1 /4 squat, now he’s hitting that full depth…congrats Matt
Damon pushing hard as always
Stretching out
Terri with some power getting that bar overhead
Rugby crew…one heat started the rest of the guys waiting their turn
– Jade