7 rounds AQAP:
75 foot Sled Drag 115/70
75 foot Sled Pull 115/70
10 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Kettlebell Swings 70/53
1 minute Rest

For this workout you should be using a weight for the sled that you can run with on the drag and shuffle relatively quick with on the pull. The goal should be to do all swings unbroken. Do not “game” these, go as hard as you can, each interval should get slower.

For results post total time to complete workout along with any scaling.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Nice work today everybody. A nice little interval based lung burner, and many found their quads on fire, especially on that sled pull. Remember you’re here for you and no one else, and you’ll get out what you put in, stay tight and commit to doing good push-ups. Cheers.

5:45 AM working hard
Briant getting that kettlebell overhead
Rik digging in on the drag
Anna getting going
– Jade