Every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes: 5 Strict Weighted Pull-ups

“Roan’s Tan Yard”- Max Reps
8 rounds W:20/R:10 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 75/55
Rest 1 minute
8 rounds W:20/R:10 Push Press 75/55
Rest 1 minute
8 rounds W:20/R:10 Front Plank Hold
Rest 1 minute
8 rounds W:20/R:10 Back Squat 75/55

Score is total reps. For the plank hold, each second you hold the plank is considered 1 rep, so if you hold straight through all 8 rounds it is 160 reps.

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Awesome work today everybody. It’s great to see more and more of you improving on your pull-ups. Whether it is moving to weighted, strict, kipping, or a smaller band you guys are all making improvements and doing awesome. Great job on a tough WOD. Those Tabatta intervals certainly are tough. CF Open workout #1 gets posted tonight, wish your fellow athletes good luck who are doing it. See you all tomorrow. Cheers.

TC dragging Kristi through the warm-up
Kim holding the plank
Jeff working hard to support Del
Ross making use of the new weight vests
– Jade