Felt well enough to get a workout in today, plus I was itching to get some exercise. Knees have been hurting quite a bit lately not sure what the deal is. Going to starting being consistent and do everything I can to help them get better. Good solid training today.



Seated Box Jump 18″-24″: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

DB Stiff Leg Deadlift: 40×10, 10 10

3 rounds AQAP:
1 Mile Airdyne Bike
30 Kettlebell Swings 35lb
30 Push Press 75lb


Very happy with my training today especially considering I’m definitely not a 100%. The box jumps were done seated on an 18″ box and jumping to a 24″ box. Similar concept to doing box squats. Have the legs completely unweighted on each rep and then explosively fire. Stiff leg deadlifts were the same as always, felt good and I’m sure my hamstrings will be hurting tomorrow. Met-con was great, extremely brutal. The airdyne bike is definitely brutal, just wish it had a nice computer like the C2’s to get an idea of pace when I’m on it. Made it through all 3 rounds of the swings unbroken, push presses were brutal. After the workout my shoudlers were so pumped, felt like they were going to explode. Puked after the met-con, so I guess I was pushing myself hard, part of it was because my throat was so dry. Overall solid first day back, going to hit it again tomorrow assuming I’m not to sore. Cheers.

– Jade