Tempo Deadlifts: 5×5 @ 75% of 1RM

First make sure to warm-up accordingly. For the tempo deadlifts were are looking for a 3 second pull from ground to knee, then a fast drive from knee to extension, then 3 seconds back down. These should be touch and go, so there should be no release of tension in the bottom. As soon as you feel the plates touch the ground you should be coming back up, SLOW! If 75% is too heavy to hold proper lumbar position, scale accordingly.

21-15-9 AQAP:
Thrusters 95/65
One Arm Dumbbell Snatch 50/35

For the workout you must complete 21 Snatches on each arm, then 15, and finally 9. You can break them up however you like. Range of motion standard is going to be starting from the high hang, but you can go from the floor if you need to, and you can receive the dumbbell anywhere from locked out, i.e. muscle snatch, to a full squat, i.e. squat snatch.

For results post weight used for deadlifts and time to complete met-con along with any scaling that was used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Nice work on the Tempo Deadlifts today everybody. Many of you found them extremely difficult, and it certainly made your weights feel extra heavy. These are great for keeping tension on the body and really making you hold onto and strengthen your position through the lift. Met-con was a burner and you all killed it. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

Carrie has been continuing to come consistently and it’s paying off she is getting stronger every week
Patrick is one of our newest and youngest members, and is looking to turn into a beast for hockey this fall
Pete working through the dumbbell snatches
– Jade