Back felt pretty good today. Could still feel a little pain in it, but overall it felt pretty. Feel good after crashing early last night and sleeping for 10 hours. I was reading last night and couldn’t keep my eyes open for the life of me so I hit the sack early. Felt good going into my training session but that didn’t last long.


Power Clean: 200×3, 3, 3, 3, 2

10 rounds AQAP:
10 Box Jumps 18″
10 Push-ups


Training started off good, but as soon as I got into the heavy power cleans my back felt like crap. Me being stubborn, I kept training. The heavy power cleans put my lower back on fire and it really started hurting. By the time I got to the last round I didn’t think my back would hold up for the 3rd power clean. Had I been strong and healthy I’m pretty sure I could have blasted through all 5 sets fine. I rested about 10-15 minutes after the power cleans and then did the met-con. The met-con was fine on my back. Quads were burning on the box jumps and my chest got destroyed from the push-ups. I think I made it through 4 rounds unbroken on the push-ups, and then they started breaking up. My back is now seriously hurting, hoping it feels better in the morning. Cheers.

– Jade