– Work Your Weakness: 15 minutes

– “The Chief”
5 rounds of 3 minutes work 1 minute rest
3 Power Clean 135/95
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats

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Great work today everybody. It seemed the work your weakness was pretty much split up between double-unders and pull-ups, you guys all made great progress on your respective movements. Awesome to see many of you, especially the ladies really pushing the weight and try to step up a level on the met-con. It was great to have the rugby group in tonight, you guys all killed and poured your hearts out. See you tomorrow guys. Cheers.

5:45 AM ladies up with their power cleans
4 rounds down 1 left
Sophie and Dani hitting the “Chief” Rx’d and getting those 95lb power cleans
Rugby guys on the pull-up rig
The rugby crew done…way to kill it guys
– Jade